Could it be that after all the back-and-forth, all the "he said, she said", and all the charges of tampering, that this Brett Favre saga is coming to an end. We're not so sure that it is, because that'd be too good to be true. But the guys at Pro Football Talk seem to think otherwise.
Sure, they information comes from an "unconfirmed tip", but if there is any chances of this thing being over, we're jumped all over it. The tip says Favre is abandoning his attempt to return to the NFL. Apparently, the Packers gave Favre a list of three teams they would try to trade him to (presumably Saturday night at the Hall of Fame banquet?), and he declined all three.
Personally, I don't think this thing is anywhere close to over, even with training camp less than one week away. The slighest Rodgers mistake or injury will bring any such Favre talk back to the forefront, should it even ever go away.
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