After Tuesday's loss to the Nets, the Bucks dropped to 0-5 without the services of both Andrew Bogut and Michael Redd. Now, it's highly unlikely that the Bucks don't win another game the rest of the season, but this injury all but eliminates them from any playoff contention, and they'll be lucky to win another ten games.
So what now? Well, it's time to start building for the future (again). If I'm John Hammond, I completely punt this season, and don't even think about trying for the 8th seed. I know it's painful, and I want to see the Bucks make the playoffs as much as you do, but this team doesn't have a shot. It's time to put Old Yeller down and make some trades.
Richard Jefferson is a prime candidate to be traded, as he is on the book for another two years and making an average salary of $14 million per. Trading Damon Jones would be a good idea, but you're not going to get much for him. Charlie Villanueva now becomes the best player on this Bucks team, but you have to get rid of him too, as he's probably not going to want to stick around in Milwaukee. As for Sessions, either sign him long-term or ship him out. And, if you think it will help, John Hammond, you have my permission to trade Joe Alexander, even though I love him.
Either way, the Bucks are going to have to make some kind of move, as they are now down to just 12 guys on their active roster. Isn't it strange how not more than one week ago everyone in Milwaukee was talking playoffs when it came to Bucks basketball? And now, two injuries later, the season is all but over? That's just par for the course in Wisconsin sports right now, a trend that I wouldn't mind seeing end soon.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2008-2009 Milwaukee Bucks. Thanks for playing.
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