So I wrote a Winks Thinks about Madden, specifically how great of a moment I experienced on Wednesday night. What this column doesn't tell you is that after I wrote this column I ended up quitting the game and threw a bag of chips at the wall. Yeah, I'm a stable guy alright. Check it out in
this week's edition of Winks Thinks.
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No worries, man. Possibly my greatest sports moment, aside from my first little league win as a pitcher, would be in Madden. I was playing in a 5 man online franchise, and I made it to the NFC Championship game. It was Packers vs. Vikings in the NFCCG in Lambeau. I had spanked this guy in our two regular season meetings, and this game looked like it'd be the same. I got up quickly 21-6 going into half, but I had a slew of unfortunate events that led to a FR TD to tie it up at 21 and force OT.
My offense and defense had stunk in the 2nd half, so I was not feeling confident to start the OT. I won the toss and the ball. First play from my own 23, I nail Greg Jennings on a slant. I juke the safety and I'm gone. 77 yards, OT TD in the NFCCG against the Vikings. Unfortunately, this was with Brohm, because Rodgers was hurt in the last game of the season, which was simmed. I ended up beating the Raiders 12-6 in the worst Super Bowl of all time.
Best comment ever.
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