Thursday, September 18, 2008

Brian Anderson Going National!

We thought it was a big deal earlier in the season when Bill Schroeder lent his voice to a FOX Saturday baseball broadcast, but his "partner" Brian Anderson, has just one upped him. Anderson will be one of the four play-by-play guys to be used on the TBS playoffs broadcasts, but it is unknown at this time who he'll work with, and of course, which game he will call.

If the Brewers do make the playoffs, it looks like Anderson will have to spend time away from his beloved team, as TBS has the ALCS this season. He still would have the chance to call some NLDS games though I'd imagine. Either way, this is a big step for Brian Anderson who has improved tremendously over the last two years, and is becoming one of the best young broadcasters around.


Anonymous said...

well at least someone from this team will go to the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

Anderson better learn that when you do national games involving your home team, you should at least try some objectivity. His outward rooting for the Brewers in the Phils-Brewers series was so obvious it was a joke. Complete silence when the Phils would score, excitement (as little as there was) when the Brewers scored.

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