I've changed my mind. There was one thing I liked about the game, and that was the switching up of the lineup. Hart lead off, Durham hit 3rd, and Braun was down to the 5th slot. Granted, our offense is still brutul, but at least Yost has finally recognized that. I swear, he is the most stubborn manager around.
I haven't seen his postgame interview, but if he says "this team is fine" one more time, I'm going to drive to Philly and punch him in the face. This team is anything but fine, and if the Brewers don't salvage the doubleheader tonight, we'll have gone from four games up to tied for the Wild Card in one short weekend.
Our friends at SportsBubbler had it first, but we think this is a pretty fitting song for the last two weeks of Brewers baseball:
Box Score.
TBC's Player of the Game: Ray Durham.
Line-up adjustments are all well and good, but moving your best hitter from the No. 3 hole to No. 5 isn't one of them. Granted, it didn't matter today -- but over the course of the last couple weeks, if he stays at No. 5 he will bat maybe five fewer times than he otherwise would have. How is that good for winning games?
If the Brewers don't make the playoffs this year, Ned Yost needs to be shown the door.
Why this is happening? Because, you, bunch of homers, collectively talked yourselves into believing that Nes Yost is ok, he'll get them through...
Well, the Brewers have failed collectively as a TEAM! And for that I think the blame has to fall directly with Ned and and ultimately with his boss, Doug Melvin. Playing in September requires a completely different set of mind, definitely not the kind the Brewers have had. Good bye baseball, hello football, 100% of the time.
I'm still holding out hope.. but I don't know why, this has been very disappointing, they're still in position if they decide to start to play.
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