Whether you like the guy or not this is not a good thing for the Brewers. Rickie Weeks has already endured thumb and wrist injuries on his right hand, and now he will have to have surgery on the sheath muscle in his left wrist. I don't really know what the sheath muscle does. But with it torn, you apparently cannot play baseball.
Rickie was hitting .272 with a team high 9 home runs and 24 RBI's. His OBP was near .340 and his SLG% was .517, great for a 2nd baseman and a leadoff hitter. The Brewers offense is potent with or without Rickie in the lineup but now it forces our lone competent bench player to this point of the season to move in to a starting role at 2nd.
This could adversely affect the brewers in many ways. Not only obvious as in missed production. But now the Brewers must find a leadoff hitter. Counsell will most likely stay in the two spot because Manager Ken Macha likes his patience there. Corey Hart is the next likely candidate. Or if Escobar is brought up from AAA Nashville, he could be inserted there. Also don't rule out Jason Kendall, for some reason Macha likes him up there and had him bat leadoff when they were in Oakland together and several times this spring. Next is whether this hinders the clear downhill momentum this team had. Hopefully, its a rallying point that allows this close team to stay focused. What now happens down the road with Weeks. I definitely think he has shown enough for the Brewers to make him a Brewer for many more years.
The silver lining in all of this is that Mat Gamel will most likely be the right handed platoon hitter with Bill Hall now. More Mat Gamel could be a good thing for the Brewers, or they could bring up sleak fielding prospect Alcides Escobar.
Mat Gamel is getting the start at third base tonight.
Good luck Rickie, as a huge advocate of yours, I hope you get healthy and comeback and continue your success.
make escobar or hardy play 2nd
I think talking Ray Durham back would be the best idea. Another name that ESPN has said they should look at is Grudszielanek. I Durham is a better option since I feel he is a better lead off hitter.
One idea I have not heard anywhere but might be interesting especially considering how well Gamel played(yes I saw the error) would be to move Hall to second, play Gamel at third, and use Counsel in the same role he is in. One problem I see with this other than Hall might not be thrilled is the batting order. I think it could be: Hart, Hardy, Braun, Fielder, Cameron, Gamel, Hall, Kendall, Pitcher.
Oh yeah Happy Birthday Winks!! When are you kids making a return trip to Chicago?
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