Charlie Bell - 15 votes (34 percent)
Joe Alexander - 12
Michael Redd - 11
Charlie Villanueva - 2
Richard Jefferson - 2
Luc Richard Mbah a Moute - 1
Ramon Sessions - 1
Andrew Bogut - 0
This Week: And just like that, we're down to six men left standing in the Bucks Survivor competition. Here's how the rest of the game is going to play out. I've scrapped the idea of voting someone back into the game that has already been kicked off. I feel that if I did do that Gweeds might finally figure out a way to scam Salim Stoudamire into the finals, so we'll just go with the notion that when you're voted off, you're voted off for good. When we get to the Final Four though, we'll have different kind of double elimination round, and then we'll be down to the Final Two. But for now, we off who will be the next person eliminated, and they will be crowned the Bucks Survivor "Sixth Man".
Voting: You have the whole weekend to vote for who you want eliminated, which you can do at the top right of the blog, so make sure you do so. I want a record turnout this week, so tell your friends! And as always, here's the recaps for the whole year.
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