Nah, just kidding. I was looking at my blogroll right now and I couldn't believe how many blogs have "AFC Championship Game Open Thread" listed as their top story. Sure, it's a way for people to discuss an on-going game with one another, but I'm not a fan of them. Blogs only do it as a way to post "content" without actually doing anything. That's not really what we're about, but if you want to leave a comment here, go ahead, I guess.
The real reason for this post is to tell you I'm choosing to watch the AFC Championship game rather than write a post about the Marquette victory last night or that the Mets are interested in Ben Sheets. Apologies for the laziness this weekend.
I guess if you're like Gweeds crying for a longer recap, here's this:
Thanks for the update wow what would i do without this blog.
paul blart
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