I bring this up because on Sunday night I watched my first Wrestlemania, and let me just tell you it was worth every penny. The broadcast was well-produced, the fights were great, and Cena is the champ again, so I'm happy.
Watching RAW every week like me and some friends do can get a little repetitive, but there is nothing like Wrestlemania. There's just something about seeing two guys beat the hell out of each other for a half an hour that is very captivating, especially when ladders and sledgehammers are involved.
The best part of the night was cleary the match between Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker, as shown above. It was by far the best wrestling match I've ever seen, and you could show a non-wrestling fan this match and they would no doubt enjoy it. It's a match that will be talked about in wrestling circles for years to come, and should really get more play in the national media on Monday. Spoiler alert, Undertaker kept his undefeated Wrestlemania streak alive.
To recap, I'm posting this because I'm coming out of the closet, in terms of being a Wrestling fan. I don't have zits, I don't eat my own boogers, I don't live with my parents (I prefer to think of them as my roomies), and I'm not a 12-year old kid. I'm just a guy that likes to be entertained, and Wrestlemania provided that.
Is that so wrong?
still hoping this is an extended april fools joke...
Yes, it's wrong!
Hell no its not wrong.. WWE is top notch entertainment
Booger eater.
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