Friday, March 14, 2008

Bill Simmons is on Board!

Last week, we at The Bucky Channel wrote a post proclaiming why we feel Bill Simmons is the right man to take over as the Bucks GM. We're happy to tell you tonight that the man himself is on board with our cause. To some people, this may still be a joke, the thought that a sportswriter can take over the "buying the groceries" aspect of an NBA franchise. But we here at The Bucky Channel are 100% behind the notion that Bill Simmons could run the Milwaukee Bucks better than anybody else out there (our apologizes, Larry Harris). We just wanted to take the time to thank Bill for linking us in his links of the week (halfway down the page), and let him know that we're willing to do whatever it take to bring him to Milwaukee and turn this Bucks franchise around.


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